As the Easter bank holiday approaches, it's essential to ensure that you have an ample supply of your prescribed medications to avoid any disruptions to your healthcare routine.

 With pharmacies and medical services operating on reduced hours during the holiday period, taking proactive steps to manage your medication is crucial for maintaining your health and well-being.

Here are some helpful tips to help you prepare and ensure that you have your medication in time for the Easter bank holiday.

  1. Plan Ahead: Start planning for the Easter bank holiday well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush or potential medication shortages. Take note of the holiday dates and pharmacy closure times in your area, and make arrangements to refill your prescriptions accordingly. Most pharmacies have limited hours or may be closed entirely on bank holidays, so plan to collect your medication a few days before the holiday begins.

  2. Check Your Medication Supply: Before the Easter bank holiday, take inventory of your current medication supply to determine if you have enough to last you through the holiday period. If you're running low on any prescriptions, contact your healthcare provider or pharmacy to arrange for a refill. It's better to address any medication shortages ahead of time rather than waiting until the last minute.

  3. Arrange Prescription Refills: Contact your healthcare provider or pharmacy to request prescription refills well in advance of the Easter bank holiday. Be sure to provide them with sufficient notice to process your refill request and allow for any delays that may occur due to the holiday season. Some pharmacies may offer prescription delivery services or allow you to pre-order your medication online for added convenience.

  4. Know Your Pharmacy's Holiday Hours: Familiarise yourself with your local pharmacy's holiday hours and any changes to their regular operating schedule during the Easter bank holiday. Many pharmacies post their holiday opening hours on their website or display notices in-store. Plan your medication collection accordingly and aim to collect your prescriptions before the pharmacy closes for the holiday period.

  5. Have Emergency Contact Information: In case of any urgent medication-related issues during the Easter bank holiday, make sure you have access to emergency contact information for your healthcare provider, pharmacy, and local out-of-hours medical services. Keep this information readily available, whether stored in your phone, written down, or saved in a convenient location.


Don't let the Easter bank holiday catch you off guard when it comes to managing your medication.


By planning ahead, checking your medication supply, arranging prescription refills, knowing your pharmacy's holiday hours, and having emergency contact information on hand, you can ensure that you have your medication in time for the holiday period.

Taking proactive steps to manage your medication will help you maintain your health and well-being throughout the Easter bank holiday and beyond.