Rabies Vaccination

Rabies is a viral disease transmitted to humans usually by a bite or a sratch from an infecte animal (usually a dog).

The virus attacks the central nervous system causing , progressive damage to the brain and spinal cord.

    Although rab ies cases are rare in travelers, animal bites and scratches are common. It is therefore important that travelers visiting areas where there is rabies are aware if the risk and know what to do if they are bitten or scratched.

    Rabies is preventable if the correct post exposure treatment is quickly provided. This post exposure treatment can be expensive and difficult to obtain in some areas.

    Rabies Vaccine

    Individuals considered at risk of exposure to rabies traveling outside UK include:

    1. Animal workers who regularly travel to rabies areas
    2. Travellers to rabies areas who are:
    • Visiting areas where access to post exposure treatment and medical care is limited
    • Those planning high risk activities including cycling and running
    • Long stay travelers (more than one month)
    • Health workers who may have direct contact with rabies infected patients


    Call us today to book your appointment: 02086749201

    For more information and travel advice visit


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