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Dormeasan® is a herbal sleep remedy made from extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown Valerian root and Hops. Herbal sleep remedy Helps restore natural sleep Tinctures of Valerian and Hops Fresh...




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Dormeasan® is a herbal sleep remedy made from extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown Valerian root and Hops.

  • Herbal sleep remedy
  • Helps restore natural sleep
  • Tinctures of Valerian and Hops
  • Fresh herb extract

How To Use

Dormeasan® may be used as a sleep remedy or for mild anxiety, by adults (over 18 years of age) and the elderly.

As a sleep remedy: Take 30 drops of the herbal remedy in a little water half an hour before bedtime.

For mild anxiety: This product may also be used to relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety. Take 10 - 20 drops once or twice daily.

Don't take more than the recommended dose. This product is not known to be habit-forming.

Four Ways To Use

1. I can’t get to sleep easily

I have trouble dropping off to sleep. I toss and turn until I finally doze off at 3 or 4 in the morning.

What you can try:
Take 30 drops of Dormeasan® 30 minutes before going to bed.

2. My sleep is interrupted

I fall asleep easily but wake several times through the night. This makes me feel tired and anxious during the day and exhausted when evening comes.

What you can try: 
Take 10 to 20 drops of Dormeasan® once or twice during the day to help ease symptoms of anxiety – this will also help aid sleep when you retire. If you wake up in the middle of the night, take 30 drops of Dormeasan®.

3. I can’t sleep when on holiday (or when working shifts)

I don’t normally have trouble sleeping, but travelling can make me anxious and I find that my sleep can be disturbed when away on holiday or when the clock changes. I have the same problem when working shifts.

What you can try:   
Take 30 drops of Dormeasan® 30 minutes before retiring to bed while you settle into these changes. Having a bottle of Dormeasan® handy in these circumstances means that you can be ready to act if you have trouble sleeping.

4. I have tried other remedies to help me sleep better

I am a light sleeper, waking up several times a night. I have tried other remedies in tablet form. These have worked to a certain extent but I would like to try something else.

What you can try:   
Fresh herb extracts such as Dormeasan® are liquid herbal medicines made from freshly harvested herbs and can contain higher amounts of active substances(*)

* Tobler M, et al. Characteristics of whole fresh plant extracts. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur GanzheitsMedizin, 1994.


1 ml of Dormeasan® oral liquid (equivalent to 35 drops) contains:

  • Valerian root tincture 0.5ml (Valeriana officinalis L.) (1:10-11) Extraction solvent: ethanol 58%v/v
  • Hops strobile tincture 0.5ml (Humulus lupulus L.) (1:12-13) Extraction solvent: ethanol 65% v/v

Other ingredients used are ethanol and water.


A.Vogel Dormeasan Sleep Drops 50ml

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