The spots are scrapped off with thin metal instrument called a curettage after local anaesthetic injection by the general practitioner or dermatologist.
Diathermy is an electrically induced heat or the use of a high-frequency electromagnetic current. A local anaesthetic will be applied before having this type of treatment.
Pulsed-dye lasers
This is a relatively new type of treatment for molluscum contagiosum. It uses a powerful beam of light to destroy the cells that make up each spot. A bruise is left which should heal within one to two weeks.
Are there any complications with molluscum contagiosum?
Molluscum doesn’t usually cause complications and the infection will eventually clear up on its own. However, in some rare cases, the spots may become infected with bacteria.
This is more likely to happen if your child or you have atopic eczema, (where the skin is particularly sensitive to substances such as dust mites or pollen) or if you have a weakened immune system. If the spots do become infected, treatment will be needed, which may require antibiotics.
You may be referred to a specialist in hospital if you have spots on your eyelids, near your eye, or your eye is red or painful. In rare cases, a secondary eye infection may develop, such as conjunctivitis.
What is the NHS advice on molluscum contagiosum?
Many doctors and dermatologists will advise against treating young children will molluscum if they feel that it would cause the child unnecessary pain and distress.
Treatment is usually only recommended for adults and older children who have spots that are particularly unsightly and are affecting their quality of life. Visit the NHS website for more information about molluscum contagiosum.