- Actico inelastic compression bandages are clinically proven to help your leg ulcer heal and/or treat swollen ankles and legs.
- The bandages are compression bandages, which means they ‘squeeze’ your limb.
- The gentle squeezing pushes the body fluids (either/or blood and lymph) back to where they need to go.
- Actico bandages will reduce swollen ankles and legs and help any wound to heal.
- They are firm, but comfortable.
- They feel firmer when you are up and about, or moving your calf muscle.
- They feel less firm when you are lying down or in bed, so that you are able to have a comfortable night’s sleep.
- If your entire leg is swollen, the whole leg will be bandaged. This may seem a bit bulky at first, but it is the most effective way of reducing swelling - normally producing fast results.
- Leg ulcers(a wound on the leg which has not healed after several weeks) are surprisingly common
- Up to 1% of adults in the UK will have one at sometime in their lives
- Swollen legs and ankles are equally common, either with or without a leg ulcer
- The swelling is made up of lymph fluid, which is unable to drain back into the lymphatic system