Carmellose (CMC) is a polysaccharide, a biological polymer, known as mucilage. It increases the residence of tears on the eye surface, as well as increasing the viscosity of the tear...




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Carmellose (CMC) is a polysaccharide, a biological polymer, known as mucilage. It increases the residence of tears on the eye surface, as well as increasing the viscosity of the tear film.  The properties of carmellose protects the eye against irritation, and moisturizes the ocular surface, thus relieving the sensation of discomfort caused by dry eye by creating a protective, viscoelastic shield.


VIZcellose 0.5% Eye Drops relieves mild symptoms of dry eyes such as burning, itching, and grittiness (foreign body sensation). VIZcellose drops act as a lubricant, providing relief for dry eye conditions associated with the use of PCs, infrequent blinking, certain medical treatments, atmospheric pollution, dry atmospheres (e.g., air conditioning) and ophthalmic stress due to the use of contact lenses.  VIZcellose 0.5% can be used in case of mild dry eye syndrome or dry eye symptoms, or more commonly, to relieve the sensation of discomfort.

Composition: 0.5% carmellose sodium (carboxymethyl cellulose), boric acid, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, sodium chloride, water for injection.

VIZcellose 0.5% is a sterile, ophthalmic solution that protects and moisturizes the ocular surface of the eye. VIZcellose 0.5% relieves the symptoms of dry eyes such as burning, itching and foreign body sensation. Acting as a lubricant, VIZcellose drops provide relief from dry eye conditions, including those associated with the use of PC, infrequent blinking, certain medical treatments, atmospheric pollution, dry atmospheres (e.g., air conditioning), and ophthalmic stress due to the use of eye lenses. VIZcellose 0.5% can be suggested in the case of mild dry eye syndrome, when immediate protective action and lasting relief is required.

Composition: 0.5% Carmellose sodium (carboxymethyl cellulose), boric acid, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, sodium chloride, water for injection

VIZcellose Carmellose 0.5% Eye Drops

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